Sunday, June 19, 2016

Perfect iced tea

More proof that Northern Virginia is not a part of the South: most restaurants here default to unsweet tea and can only offer sugar packets. Sorry, it's just not the same! I need my sweet tea, or as we always called it when I was growing up, tea. Sweet was just assumed. This is my favorite and foolproof way to make it.

Heat a full tea kettle of water on the stove until boiling (or nuke 1 quart in a big measuring cup or bowl for 4-5 minutes). Pour the hot water over 2 family size tea bags (or 6 regular size) set in a pretty teapot.

Put the lid on the teapot and let the tea steep for 15 minutes. Put between 1/2 and 2/3 cup sugar (I use two of the scoops I keep in my sugar canister and I measured it this morning; it's less than 2/3 but more than 1/2 cup) into a 2 quart glass pitcher. You're using a glass pitcher, not a plastic one, because you're going to make this tea all the time and you don't want to stain your plastic pitcher. Pour the hot tea over the sugar, then stir until the sugar dissolves. Remember high school chemistry? I try not to, but this one thing turned out to actually be relevant to my life. The sugar dissolves better when the liquid is still hot, which is why you're adding it and stirring it at this stage. Then fill the pitcher the rest of the way with cold water and give it another stir. You can enjoy it immediately over some ice, or let it sit in the fridge for a spell to cool down more.

Oh, look - I'm reflected in the pitcher. It's a sign! I think I'll go pour myself a glass right now!

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