Saturday, July 16, 2016

Grilled or Toasted?

I love, love, love a hot, buttery sandwich with cheese and pretty much any yummy sandwich ingredient combo. I call it a grilled sandwich - as in "grilled cheese" - but my mom grew up calling it a toasted sandwich. Toasted cheese? It just doesn't sound as tasty. But neither is really accurate, is it? I didn't use a grill and Grandma didn't use the toaster.

Whatever you call it, this was an easy, quick taste of summer, with fresh garden herbs and my favorite grocery store tomatoes (since I have a black thumb when it comes to growing tomatoes).

2 thin slices of crusty sourdough bread
1/2 tablespoon butter
1 slice Black Forest ham
Shredded mozzarella
Fresh basil leaves
Campari tomato slices
Dijon mustard

Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. When nearly all melted, add the bread and let the pieces soak up the butter on one side. Lay basil leaves on one piece of the bread to cover any holes in the bread and prevent the cheese from seeping out. Add the cheese, then the ham, then the tomato slices. Squeeze a little Dijon on the other slice of bread, then invert that slice onto the sandwich, Dijon side down. Cook the sandwich on both sides until golden brown and crusty. Cut in half on the diagonal and enjoy!

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